Friday, April 13, 2012

Africa is Not a Country Project

Frequently, I hear students, and others, mistakenly call Africa a country or assume all of countries in Africa are the same. In reality Africa is a large continent with over 50 different countries, with diverse cultures.

In order to help students see the diversity among African countries, students have been working on the Africa is Not a Country project. For this project, students had to pick one ABC of Culture and research that topic in 5 African countries (one from each region). For example, if a student chose A, they would research the art in the 5 African countries they chose.

Students should have the project completed and turned in by Friday, April 20.

H20 for Life

Every 20 seconds, a child dies from water- related diseases. In an effort to raise awareness about water issues worldwide, and support work being done to give more people access to clean, safe water, we will be holding our Third Annual H2O Walk at IGH Middle School after school on Thursday, April 26th.

In preparation for the H2O walk, we will be spending some time in geography discussing water problems around the world.

In addition any student who chooses to participate in the H20 Walk, and turns in a written reflection what they learned participating in the walk will earn extra credit in geography.

You can find more information about the walk here, and see more water facts here and here. If you have more questions about the IGHMS walk, you can contact Mr. Anderson (

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Africa's 5 Regions

For your Africa is NOT a Country project, you will need to be familiar with the 5 regions of Africa. Use the map to shade your political map to identify the 5 regions. Don't forget to include a key on your map (like the one on this map)!

Map source